These British teens, the babyfaced dad Alfie Patten and his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, are now parents of 7lb. 3 oz. Maisie Roxanne. This is the perfect example of what can happen when kids aren't made aware of what can happen if they are stupid enough to have unprotected sex. But that's exactly what they did, and only once, when the now dad was only 12 years old.
To me, this sounds like an American trailer park tale and from the description of the families involved, they may be of the lower rung of British society.
This quote, from daddy Alfie's father, sort of sums it all up...
“I will talk to him again and it will be the birds and the bees talk. Some may say it’s too late but he needs to understand so there is not another baby.”These kids have now essentially thrown their lives away and it's not because of values-free sex education. The fault here seems to lie squarely with the parents who, one admitted, hadn't had "the talk" with his son and if a fifteen year-old girl doesn't know what can happen when you place tab 'A' into slot 'B' is as close to being a total idiot as one may come.
Kids this age should be rebelling against their parents by staying out late and listening to weird music, playing video games and having fun. However, in our fucked up world, sex happens at a younger and younger age so parents need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize that if your eleven year old daughter is developing breasts, other things are happening too. The same goes for young males. Lay it all out on the table at ten years old. It's going to be awkward for everyone involved but at least you've done your part. Forbidding sex won't work either because forbidden fruit is also the sweetest. Explain what can happen when unprotected sex happens. Explain what protected sex is and how it works. It won't be a simple ten minute conversation but at least the likelihood of your twelve year old son knocking boots and becoming a daddy who doesn't even need to shave is lessened.
Remember, don't be a fool, wrap your tool.
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