Have you heard the one about the White House not having an Easter Egg Hunt this year? Oh, well it's because the Obama family has planted the White House lawn to watermelons. Yep, a black man loves watermelons. Oh, some people are so fucking funny. What, are people that come up with this shit from my in-laws' family?

I guess as long as people feel the need to make stupid jokes and have racist relatives this kind of crap will continue. Luckily I never had this sort of influence growing up. I had black friends as far back as elementary school and those two kids felt very much out of place in our ultra-white town. Sad jokes like Barack Obama planting the White House lawn to watermelons make me angry. I know that it's just some inbred hick's attempt at a joke but to dredge up painful stereotypes from many decades ago proves to me that this supposedly enlightened era we are in has a long way to go.
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