Thursday, February 18, 2010

Where's "White Entertainment Television"?

Jason DeRusha, Good Question guy for Minneapolis CBS affiliate WCCO, had some choice words for what I would refer to as internet trolls asking him why, when February is Black History Month, there is no White History Month. (via)

It’s not like during February, schools across the land stop teaching the history
that involved white people. Is there really anything wrong with taking a
part of our nation’s history that’s been largely ignored (that of black
Americans) and taking note of it? Why does it bother people so much?
If you don’t care for it, ignore it. It’s not a Good Question. Try harder.
Sometimes DeRusha ventures in to the "wacky" side of the Good Questions he gets and other times he takes the serious route. This, though, is one of a very few - if not the first times - I have seen him rather publicly decry the stupidity of some obviously racist and ignorant internet users who cower behind their keyboards submitting ridiculously lowbrow ideas and comments to a genuine journalist.

DeRusha isn't alone in dealing with comments of that nature. I have one friend in particular whom I'm fairly certain is serious when he asks why when there's a cable channel named BET (Black Entertainment Television) there isn't a cable channel geared exclusively towards "whites". It scares the crap out of me that I have a friend who (apparently) thinks at such a simple level. I've answered his question numerous times by telling him to use his remote control and flip through the channels. Basically EVERY DAMN CHANNEL could be billed as television for whites.

I kepe hoping that he uses this comment to inflame me and get a reaction (I'm good at reacting) but the rest of what he says isn't exactly the sharpest of comments either so I tend to take it at face value. I guess I'll have to take things to the next level. Maybe I'll suggest that he try our Spike TV because the dreck they air screams TV for dumb white guys.

Ah, hell, why can't people just zip it when they have the urge to utter something incredibly stupid? Of course without them, who would A.) work at Walmart and B.) I blog about?

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