Thursday, March 12, 2009

My brain is melting

My dreams have been becoming increasingly bizarre. Just the other night I had a dream in which I had a falling out with a friend who said to everyone but me that I had said some very hurtful things. In typical fashion, I confronted this person and simply stated that if you have a problem with me, say it directly to me because that's how things get taken care of. If the root of the supposed problem isn't aware of the supposed problem, a resolution to the supposed problem isn't exactly easy. It's the whole avoiding confrontation thing but I digress.

I can't remember the last time I had a vivid dream but this one seemed extremely real. It seemed so real, in fact, that I screamed in my dream. That part of the dream seemed so real to me that I woke up around 4 AM convinced that I had actually screamed in my sleep. I'm not talking about a muttered mumble but a full-out anger-filled scream because, sadly, it's what I do.

I even considered askign my old lady if I had screamed in the middle of the night. It bothered me so much. It wasn't so much about the dream any more but whether or not I had actually screamed aloud. I figured if I had actually screamed my old lady would have definitely let me know about it, endlessly prodded me about the scream and then proceeded to mock me endlessly about how crazy I'm becoming.

But she said nothing so I said nothing. It just makes life easier that way.

MinnPics is where the last shreds of my sanity are used. Awesome photos from all over Minnesota from people who are surely more sane than me.

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