Sunday, February 8, 2009

If you don't get it, you're stupid

Digital TV seems to be as impossible to understand for some as finding the clitoris on a woman. Understanding the much-hyped digital TV transition has the stuffed suits who supposedly run the country so worried that they shit-canned the February 17 shut-off date (just under two weeks away) because Americans are idiots.

I guess that the millions of supposedly unprepared citizens missed the barrage of commercials implorng viewers to visit the website or call the toll-free number for answers. Or they can't figure the damn process out because technology scares them. Here's a suggestion: ask for help. Ask your children, ask your neighbor, ask your priest, ask the kid down the street.

It's rather straight-forward but fearing a true revolution with protests in the streets and an overthrow of the government, the pussies in Washington tucked their tails between their legs and catered to the mindless, mouth-breathing masses and allowed them to delay their ignorance about digital TV another four months - this time until June 12.

All this does is delay the inevitable. The American public are a bunch of procrastinators. We pay our bills late or two minutes before midnight on the due date. We can't figure out that lines at stores on the weekend before Christmas will be long . We file our taxes on April 15 and choose to wait in long lines at the post office because we love delaying the inevitable.

I, for one, can't wait to see the dumbfounded look on every slack-jawed cousin-fucker in trailerparks across America when they wake up at 11 AM on June 13 and find nothing but snow on their televisions. Ah, vindication is a sweet dessert.

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