Monday, December 15, 2008

Things that will wake you up

Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night by something out of the ordinary? I'm not talking about seemingly normal things like a knock at the door or a phone call, I talking weird stuff.

A few weeks ago, a sound similar to a cannon shot heard from the hill behind our house woke me up late on a Saturday night. I wrote it off as a moonlight Civil War reenactment.

Last night at just before 12:09 AM I was awakened by a screeching baby monitor. This was due to the electricity at our house going out. I wrote this off on a combination of wind, ice and some jackass driver thinking that four wheel drive means shit on ice-covered highways.

Then there was the creepy chime noise always heard late at night on the weekends when we were home and awake. Later on it was noticed that the chime noise happened at Midnight. Even later it was found out to be the alarm on my iPod. I've never set the alarm but maybe it was trying to tell me something.

Again last night, after the electricity vanished from our rather cold house (it was -10 degrees or colder outside) I was kept awake by the snowplow clearing the neighborhood streets. I have much appreciation for clean streets but starting the job at Midnight is a little too gung-ho.

What odd sounds/events have made you sit up in bed and wonder "what in the hell was that?"

And just because half of Minnesota is taking a snow/cold day, that doesn't mean that MinnPics is taking the day off. Check out the best photography in the Northstar state right now or I'll have my neighbor move his canon to your back yard for a special wake-up call.

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