Friday, December 26, 2008

Looking back

How was your Christmas? Mine was just dandy. Was it just me or did there seem to be a lot less stuff this year? Don't take that as complaining because less stuff means that maybe, just maybe, people finally woke up to reality. Maybe people realized that Christmas is more about being together with family. No matter how much you all bicker and fight, they are your family and unlike some no-name Chinese-made video game system, they won't end up in the trash or in a box in the garage in 8 months.

What was the best treat that you had at Christmas dinner? Oh, mine, you ask? My favorite was the Oreo cheesecake dessert. I love me some cheesecake and as far as pre-packaged cheesecake in a box desserts, the Oreo one it tops with me.

On and the best gift I got, that would have to be a tie between my new cordless drill and the new office chair for my home office. Both items were much-needed and will be put to good use meaning that neither will end up in a box in the garage any time soon. What about you? DId you get one of theose "Damn, I needed that" gifts? Let me know at your convenience and enjoy the long, lazy week ahead of us.

If looking back is your thing, check out MinnPics for the best photos taken in Minnesota in the past year. Check back often as more are added!

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